Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (PSE&G) |
Public Service Electric and Gas Company ("PSE&G") is one of the largest combined electric and gas companies in the United States, and is also New Jersey's oldest and largest publicly owned utility. The Public Service Corporation was formed in 1903 by amalgamating more than 400 gas, electric and transportation companies in New Jersey. It was renamed Public Service Electric and Gas Company in 1948. PSE&G is the largest subsidiary of PSEG. PSE&G currently serves nearly three quarters of New Jersey's population in a service area consisting of a 2,600-square-mile diagonal corridor across the state from Bergen to Gloucester Counties. PSE&G is New Jersey's largest provider of electric and natural gas service, servicing 1.9 million gas and 2.4 million electric customers in more than 300 urban, suburban and rural communities, including New Jersey's six largest cities. |
Jersey Central Power & Light Company |
Jersey Central Power & Light Company ("JCP&L") is headquartered in Morristown, New Jersey and provides electric service to over one million residential and business customers within northern and central New Jersey. JCP&L is a member of the FirstEnergy family of companies.
Headquartered in Akron, Ohio, FirstEnergy includes one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, more than 24,000 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions, and a regulated generating fleet with a total capacity of more than 3,500 megawatts. Its ten electric utility operating companies - Ohio Edison, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Toledo Edison, Metropolitan Edison, Pennsylvania Electric, Pennsylvania Power, West Penn Power, Potomac Edison, Mon Power and Jersey Central Power & Light - form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, based on serving 6 million customers in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Stretching from the Ohio-Indiana border to the New Jersey shore, the companies operate a vast infrastructure of more than 269,000 miles of distribution lines and are dedicated to providing customers with safe, reliable and responsive service.
Atlantic City Electric Company (ACE) |
Atlantic City Electric Company ("ACE"), is a unit of Exelon Corporation (Nasdaq: EXC), the nation's leading energy provider, with approximately 10 million customers. ACE provides safe and reliable electric service to approximately 560,000 customers in southern New Jersey. For more information on ACE, please click on the link above.
Rockland Electric Company (RECO) |
Rockland Electric Company ("RECO") is a public utility authorized by the Board of Public Utilities to provide electric service within the northern parts of Bergen and Passaic Counties and small areas in the northeastern and northwestern parts of Sussex County, New Jersey. RECO has offices at 82 East Allendale Road, Suite 8, Saddle River, NJ 07458. RECO provides electric service to approximately 72,000 customers.
RECO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. ("Orange and Rockland"), an electric and gas utility headquartered in Pearl River, NY. RECO, along with Orange and Rockland, serve approximately 300,000 electric customers in New York and northern New Jersey, and more than 130,000 natural gas customers in New York.
In March 2002, RECO transferred approximately 400 MW of load, which represents approximately 90% of RECO's total peak load, to the PJM control area. Only that portion of RECO's load transferred to PJM will be included in the BGS Auctions. The remainder of RECO's load is located in the New York Control Area administered by the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) and will not be included in the BGS Auctions.
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities |
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Division of Energy is responsible for traditional regulatory responsibilities associated with the natural gas and electric industries, in addition to the evolutionary facets of rates unbundling, deregulation and retail competition. With the enactment of the Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act of 1999 ("EDECA"), the Division's responsibilities have significantly increased and changed as it fosters full electric and natural gas retail competition in New Jersey. |
PJM Interconnection |
Auction designed and administered by NERA
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